Chapter Wisdom
EMBS Value
Chapter Funding
Great Speakers
Expanding Audience
Marketing Your Chapter
Increasing Membership
Metrics for the Chapter
L31 is important
Welcome New Chapters
Next Steps
Founding Officers
Establish a Speaker Program
Your 1st Meeting



“Founding Officer” is a special title that is given only to the officers who are part of the first leadership team of the chapter. You can keep this title for life even after you leave the chapter. Subsequent officers will be Chapter Officers and will keep the title of officers as long as they stay officers with the chapter.

Being a founding officer requires volunteer time that varies between 5 min and 1 hour per month beyond the time that you may spend listening to the speakers. This time depends on the type of role that you would select. The commitment is usually for one year and yearly changes are typically in Dec. People can stay 2 years in the same role if the other officers are fine with this. If you become an officer now, you will be offered to stay in the role till Dec 2007.




Roles of Officers




If your area has an EMBS member who has provided remarkable contributions to IEEE or EMBS or is a internationnally known expert, this person is sometimes offered to be the Chapter's Ambassador or Counselor.  This is a great honor to be the recipient of this role.  This person then becomes the "face" of EMBS  in your area.  This person is usually not involved in the detailed operations of the Chapter but "spread the word" about the good of the EMBS chapter. 









Chapter Chair

(1 hour/month)





Vice Chair

(1/2 hour per month)




(15 min/month)





(15 min/month)










Program Officer

(1 hour)



Marketing Officer (1/2 hour) 



Membership Dev. officer (15 min/month)



Professional Development Officer



Electronic Communications Officer (30 min)



Industry Liaison Officer






Student Development Officer





Electronic Communications Officer (30 min)




Award Officer

(5 min/month)



Member at Large Officer








Time mentionned under each role is an approximate assessment of the time required to support a chapter unde normal operating conditions. Time to attend speaker events needs to be added.  



The Chair is the spokesperson for the chapter and is the interface to the next level up in the IEEE organization (the Section). Often addresses the audience at events to welcome and introduce the program.

This person prepares oneself for becoming Chair the following year. The Vice Chair works closely with the Chair to learn the leadership role.


Manages the funds of the Chapter. Reports expenses and income each month (it is a small budget – so there is not much work). Seeks Corporate or IEEE funds


Takes notes at the officers planning session, creates a small sign-in sheet and bring to each speaker meeting, files on line an IEEE form that reports number of attendees at the events (2 min)





Find speakers, book speakers, and keep dialog with speakers till the event. Often introduces the speaker to the audience.

Design flyers of events if needed



Solicits people who are not IEEE members and invite them to become IEEE members and members of your society.



Develops support systems to help professional in career transition. (Job fairs, Employer/Job Seeker networking sessions, How to Find a Job training,...)


Sends the announcements, maintain the electronic distribution list, finds new names to add to the list. Maintain website


Develops relationships with local companies to invite to speaker events, solicit corporate sponsorship if needed, find speakers.  This role is well suited for individuals who do not have the time to participate often in the Officers meetings or speaker events. 

develop ways to encourage students to engage in the profession of Engineering in Medicine (mentor program, high school fair participation, etc…)




Sends the announcements, maintain the electronic distribution list, finds new names to add to the list. Maintain website



Selects awards given to speakers and Society contributors or other thank you gifts



Stays in touch with Society members to get feedback on the chapter’s activities, also reports some of the members wishes and recommendations. This role is well suited for individuals who do not have the time to participate often in the Officers meetings or are not located close to the where the other officers live.